Kate: Observations

Trial One:

June 29

A variety of people in front of the bookstore.

In front of the bookstore

What they said:
“Can I pet it?”
“What does it do?”
“Can you control it?”
“Does it have a battery?”
“Can I buy it?”

What they did:
They tried to play with the robots- tug-a-war, petting, and occasionally they would what I recommended they do, such as hold it by the tail.

What you did:
Took videos, welcomed people to interact, answered questions, played a moo.

What you think about emotional state/ why?:
I think that the children became close to the Pleos. The general response was positive, adult response was slightly bemused. One person was scared of the Pleo robot.

Trial Two:

July 6th
What they said:
What can you make it do? Can it see me?
What they did:
Tried to reveal all the behaviors, tried to make Pleo walk forward.
What you did:
Helped try to reveal all of the behaviors.
What you think about emotional state/ why?
She was sympathetic to Pleo’s behaviors/emotions, and was curious from a scientific perspective.